
Most Common Work-Related Injuries for Hairdressers

Just about any job you can find will have some type of physical risk. The risks are obvious with manual labor jobs like construction and factory work. Even a desk job, though, is likely to lead to back pain, neck pain, and other occupational hazards.

One job that’s harder on the body than it gets credit for is the work of a hairstylist. You’re on your feet for hours at a time, and not necessarily on the most ergonomic floors either. You’re working with your arms and shoulders all day too, sometimes at odd angles.

All this adds up to a variety of work-related injuries that our chiropractic staff sees on a continuous basis. Two injuries are especially common, though: foot pain and headaches from shoulder tension.

Foot Pain

Feet were designed to take us from place to place when necessary. Our bodies weren’t meant to be standing in one place for hours on end, especially not on concrete floors. For many hairstylists, that means they end each day with sore, achy feet.

The good news is that you don’t need to grin and bear it while your foot pain gets worse. There are a few things you can do to protect your feet.

Custom Orthotics

There are specialized providers that will make custom orthotics to fit your feet. Tell them about your job and your work circumstances and they can design orthotics to support and cushion your feet throughout the day.

Foot Exercises

The right exercises can stretch and massage your feet to release the tension from standing too long. One option is the golf ball massage. Rolling a golf ball around under your bare foot will massage the hard-to-reach surfaces.  

A second option is the toe extension stretch. Sit on a chair and place your left foot on top of your right thigh. Then pull your toes upward toward your ankle.

You should feel a stretch along the bottom of your foot. Hold this for ten seconds before repeating it with your other foot. Complete several reps for each foot.

A third stretch to try is the wall calf stretch. Stand next to a wall and prop up one foot so the heel is on the floor and the ball is against the wall. Lean toward the wall to feel a stretch in the bottom of your foot and your calf. Hold it for 15 seconds on each foot.

Repeated Headaches

Not everyone recognizes the connection, but overworking your shoulders can lead to headaches. The tension from your shoulders carries through into your neck and to the nerves in your head. How do you release that tension and reduce your headaches?

Yoga for Shoulder Tension

Yoga is a great way to release tension in your shoulders and neck. In fact, there are specific yoga flows for the shoulders.

Yoga allows you to do a series of controlled stretches, usually with longer holding times than typical stretches. This both releases tension and strengthens your shoulders so they are less affected in the future.

Taking Control of Your Work-Related Injuries

The work-related injuries that come from being a hairstylist can be painful and put a damper on the career you love. Instead of sacrificing your job, try the techniques above to ease your pain.

If you prefer more direct, professional treatment, call our chiropractors for help with your aches and pains.

Click below to schedule your chiropractic or decompression new patient exam at Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness in Mill Creek, WA.

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