
Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

foot health

Avoiding Swollen Feet During Pregnancy: 4 Chiropractic Tips That Can Help

Did you know that each year 123 million women attempt to become pregnant and succeed? Are you currently pregnant, and want to make sure you avoid swollen feet during pregnancy? Or, maybe you’re currently experiencing swelling, and want to know what to do next?  In this article, explore the top chiropractic tips for keeping your feet at a normal size with no swelling. Read on to explore these tips from your chiropractic office here at Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness. 

When Do Your Feet Swell During Pregnancy? 

Swelling (edema) affects many pregnant women each year. You might notice it beginning between weeks 22-27. It’s common for it to stay until you give birth. 

What happens is your body fluids increase for both your baby and you. This increased fluid accumulates within the tissues in your body.

Pressure is experienced on your vena cava and pelvic veins from your uterus growing. This can cause swelling in your feet and ankles. It can also cause swelling in your hands as well. 

1. Exercise

To prevent swelling, do pregnancy-safe exercises, rest, drink plenty of water, and eat healthily. Make sure to choose comfortable shoes instead of anything too tight and restricting. Be mindful of your shoe size because some women might experience a permanent shoe size change from pregnancy. 

2. Stretch

During the day, have your feet up and stretch your legs to ensure you’re keeping the blood flowing. Don’t sit or stand for too long at a time. When you raise your legs, keep them higher than your heart. 

3. Avoid Socks

Avoid stockings or socks since they can restrict your blood flow. Instead, choose compression socks. They can help reduce any swelling you’re currently experiencing. 

4. Reduce Salt

In the United States, many Americans eat a high sodium diet. While some might find it delicious, it can increase your risk of swelling during pregnancy.

Ensure that you watch how much salt you use, and cut down on it. Instead, choose foods that are lower in sodium content. Choose fresh herbs instead of salt for your meals. 

Home Remedies for Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

To decrease the swelling you’re experiencing, choose a high potassium diet. Examples of foods high in potassium are bananas, salmon, lentils, yogurt, beans, spinach, and sweet potatoes. 

If you drink coffee or tea with caffeine, you’ll want to cut back. Coffee can make the swelling you’re experiencing worse due to the caffeine. Instead, go for herbal tea or decaf coffee. 

Choose waist-high maternity support stockings during pregnancy to help out. Make sure that you’re getting enough water as well. If you’re not finding relief with at home care, you’ll want to schedule a chiropractic appointment

Tips for Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

Now that you’ve explored the top tips for reducing and preventing swollen feet during pregnancy, you should have better information to have less swollen feet soon. Are you uncomfortable from your swollen feet, and want relief? 

Or maybe you’re trying to get your baby into a good position before delivery? Contact us today and we’ll come up with an action plan that’s specific to your needs. 


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