
Start Today!

Make Today The Day

Today is the day. No more pushing off important goals, physical and mental health, and overall general wellness. Often times, we take the path of least resistance. This forces us to procrastinate on what is important to us both physically and mentally. Dr. Sergey goes over a simple tip that will allow you to hold yourself accountable even in the times you don’t want to do anything. What is this simple tip?


That’s it! It’s just that simple. Every time you want to push things off, take a hard look at yourself and say, “I’m going to start today!”. Our biggest problem as humans is that we wait for a specific day to take the right steps towards progress. We’ve all said it: “I will start my diet on Monday.” or “I’m going to the gym on January 1st.” or “I will go to the doctor next month.” One thing that is certain about all of these statements is that it is a sure path to failure. People usually do not follow through; and if they do, they fail.

So there it is! Hold yourself accountable. START TODAY!

For more information or if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us or visit our clinic at the Mill Creek location in Washington State.

Live without health problems – Because you’re worth it!


800 164th St SE Ste O Mill Creek, WA 98012

[email protected]

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