
Results for "massage"

Google Headaches

Who is in control? you or your headaches50% of patients feel relief in one visit; 92% of patients report complete pain relief within 4 weeks; and 70% of our patient will choose to stay as wellness patient because they love to feel great. Have you tried chiropractic at...

Google Pregnancy Chiropractic

Google Pregnancy Chiropractic

Mill Creek Chiropractor | 425-737-5343Are you enjoying your pregnancy?Pregnancy chiropractic care is safe for the mommy and the baby. Being pregnant doesn't mean you have to be in pain. 50% of pregnant patients feel significant relief within 1 week of treatment and...

Google Mid Back Pain

Start living without Mid back pain 50% of patients feel relief in one visit; 92% of patients report complete pain relief within 4 weeks; and 70% of our patient will choose to stay as wellness patient because they love to feel great. Have you tried chiropractic at...

Google Neck Pain

live life without neck pain    MILL CREEK, WASHINGTONresults-driven treatment50% of patients feel relief in one visit; 92% of patients report complete pain relief within 4 weeks; and 70% of our patient will choose to stay as wellness patient because they...

Why is Neuropathy Worse at Night

Why is Neuropathy Worse at Night

3 Ways to Find Nighttime Relief Peripheral neuropathy affects more than 20 million Americans. This condition involves damage to one or more nerves, including those responsible for walking and pain perception. Its symptoms range from mild to severe and can develop over...