
Let’s Talk About REM Cycles

Let’s Talk About REM Cycles!

We created a blog about how many hours of sleep we should get, but what about REM Cycles! We have all heard of the “rules” regarding how many hours of sleep we should get. But what if they key is planning your sleep around REM cycles?

A full REM Cycle takes 90 minutes. Instead of sleeping the suggested 8 hours that we so often hear, why not sleep 7.5 to 9 hours so your sleep is not disturbed? REM Sleep occurs in three cycles. The first cycle is when your eyes are closed, however, it is easy to wake you up. The second cycle is light sleep, where your body is preparing itself for the third cycle of sleep. The third and last cycle, is the deepest cycle; where your body is in the heaviest state of sleep. This stage is important because  your body is healing and repairing itself.

Most people don’t understand the importance of REM sleep. Rather than planning to sleep a certain number of hours, Dr. Sergey Kochelayev suggest you plan the hours off how many cycles you will be able to reach. A good number is 7.5 hours and 9 hours.

For more information or if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us or visit our clinic at the Mill Creek location in Washington State.

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Amazing Life Chiropractic


800 164th St SE Ste O Mill Creek, WA 98012

[email protected]

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