
Kyphosis Treatment: How to Correct a Hunched Posture

Does your back naturally slouch? You may not quite resemble Quasimodo, but you may have a hunched back that is just terrible for your posture. A hunched back is a medical condition known as kyphosis. Fortunately, a chiropractic care unit can treat kyphosis and return your posture to the way it’s supposed to be.

What Causes Kyphosis?

Osteoporosis is the leading cause of kyphosis. Old age and/or poor health can cause the vertebral bones in the spine to weaken and become brittle over time. This leaves it susceptible to compression and cracking.

Of course, years of poor sitting posture can also cause a hunched back. You especially need to take heed if you work in an office cubicle and spend most of your hours sitting. When you’re seated, your shoulders are naturally pulled forward, constricting your muscles and causing the upper back to curve.

Kyphosis can also be caused by rickets, or a vitamin D deficiency. Nutritional kyphosis is more prevalent in children and seniors, though adults may also be diagnosed with the condition. In any case, you will need to speak with a qualified nutritionist. The solution may not be as simple as just drinking more milk or taking a vitamin D supplement.

How to Treat Kyphosis

In posture related instances, a hunched back can be treated by a chiropractor. Treatments may include one or a combination of the following:

  • Manual therapy treatment
  • Spinal adjustment therapy
  • Inflammation reduction method

Your chiropractor may also suggest a number of stretches to perform at home each day. Watch this video for easy exercises that will help correct your posture. You can also accomplish posture improvement by using a back brace especially designed for this purpose.

We’ll Correct Your Hunched Posture

Your back should not be hunching regardless of your age; it’s not natural and it adds years to your appearance. Call Amazing Life Chiropractic to have your kyphosis treated by a qualified team.

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