
3 Foods You Should Avoid for a Healthier Life!


We have heard of the white death; the 3 white foods that we should all stay away from. SALT, SUGAR, and WHITE FLOUR. In this video, Dr. Sergey talks about the 21st century White Deaths.

What Are They?

The 3 foods you need to avoid are gluten, dairy, and soy. These foods give people a lot of grief and discomfort and health experts recommend avoiding these foods all together. First, let’s start with gluten! As time progresses, we notice an increase of gluten and yeast sensitivity and as a result gluten is a food that can be avoided by all. Next on the list is dairy because it can be argued that it is unnatural for human consumption. As Dr. Sergey states in the video, “milk from a cow is supposed to turn a calf into a 400-500 pound cow”. Similarly to dairy, the next food we have soy. Soy is problematic because of the way it is processed and how we consume it.  Soy also has a lot of isoflavones and estrogen in it and it has been proven to be unhealthy in large quantities.

In conclusion, if you want to live a healthier life, avoid these 3 foods known as the White Death and find alternatives!

For more information or if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us or visit our clinic at the Mill Creek location in Washington State.

Live without health problems – Because you’re worth it!

Amazing Life Chiropractic


800 164th St SE Ste O Mill Creek, WA 98012

[email protected]

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